Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Alternative Plans...

Hello all!
I hope you have all had a great past couple of weeks!  Things have been flying by!  I'll be leaving Lawrence in about 10 days, and it has all happened so quickly!  I got to see a lot of friends this past weekend, friends from home and from K-State, and it was an awesome break from my dorm monotony!  We ate some great food and watched the World Cup final.  It was pretty awesome!  

My fly adventures are winding down.  I am working on my poster that I must present next Thursday, and so I spend a lot of time on the computer and then dissecting to break up the day.  We are replicating my experiment, so I will be collecting flies tomorrow, which I actually really enjoy!  It's pretty fun to make diagrams for my poster, as well, so it's been a fun couple of days!  I don't know how to do all the statistical data stuff, so I get to focus on the fun things!

So, to relate to my title...
I got my MCAT scores today (they weren't fab, so don't even ask), and everyone always tells me not to worry, I'll (hopefully) get in to some medical school.    But, I think up new back-up plans if I don't get in almost every day.  So for your enjoyment, here is a list of things I have contemplated doing if I take a year off from school...in chronological order of original thought.

1. Work as a lab tech at Hutch Hospital while I beef up whatever I need to

2. Work as a substitute teacher at Hutch High while I beef up whatever I need to and play golf with Dad every day

3. Take graduate level classes and beef up whatever I need to

4.  Work in a lab (maybe the one I'm in now) and beef up whatever I need to

5. Start writing my memoirs (tentatively titled "Hitting Parked Cars and Falling Off Bicycles" with the sequel being "Hitting Parked Cars and Living with 70 Women") and beef up whatever I need to

6.  Go to Louisville Seminary like Roonie always wanted me to (she put their newsletter in my mailbox at church every month for 2 years)

7. Apply to any job K-State has open, so I never have to leave Manhattan

I think they are pretty awesome.  Feel free to tell me which is your favorite...

Until next time,

Thursday, July 7, 2011

And the World Spins Madly On...

If you haven't heard the song from which I found my name, please youtube one of the million versions of it.

After the 4th of July I miraculously have all my fingers, my eyesight, and most of my friends left...

But now it's been back to work!  We have done two replicate crosses of my starvation vials (all of which are dead!) and they will test them after I leave.  My dissections took a bit of a dip last week, but have been top notch the past few lines, which is great for the lab!  I got to supervise another undergraduate, which makes me feel less like a workhorse and more of a lab assistant!  We will begin analyzing my data tomorrow to start working on my poster.

I will be going home again this weekend for the funeral of one of my favorite teachers, Cindy Beshore, and I am grateful that I had her for a teacher.  Her battle with cancer was a long and winding road, and I'm glad it ended on her own terms.

On a more uplifting note, I have been enjoying making a lot of friendships in the lab, and am getting a little sad about the journey ending soon, but am wanting to make the most of every minute right now!

Until next time,