Monday, August 29, 2011


Hello friends!  I know it has been a while since I have posted, but things have been pretty crazy!

I wrapped up my internship at KU.  It was a wonderful experience, and has really made me feel that I'm closer to the same level as my peers in the research world.  I went to the CASE ASAP Conference in Nashville shortly thereafter, representing Student Alumni Board, and had a great time.  It was a great break from the "real world." I moved to school and we had a very successful recruitment here at Theta!  I am very glad to be back in Manhattan.  It really has become a second home and a second family and I love it.

So, to the title of my blog.  Legacy.  We all leave our legacy in everything that we do.  And as I am entering my last year at KSU, I feel like now is the time I determine my legacy.  I hope I am remembered for what I have done, but also for who I am.  I would like to think that I've made an impact in my "professional" life (my classes, my involvement) I hope at the end of the year, I can see some of that.  Without a legacy you just become a number.  I want to be more than that, and am looking to make some memories so that doesn't happen.

Part of the thought behind this is the legacy others have left with me.  From mentors to family members, we all have people whose legacies have impacted us.  My grandfather left a huge legacy for the whole family.  For those of you who don't know, he died last December, and it has been rough at times.  His youngest brother, my mom's uncle, looks just like him.  I know it's odd, but I like having him around because he does look like grandpa.  So does my cousin, which makes me happy (sometimes we are more like our families than we'd like to believe.

So, just some random thoughts.  I will elaborate on the blog name change next time (hopefully not in over a month!)

Until next time,